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SAMRAI Vector Facilities

The SAMRAI vector class wraps a collection of patch data components defined over multiple levels in an AMR hierarchy so that the data may be manipulated as though it is a single vector. Also, included are classes which provide vector kernels to the PETSc and PVodeTrio solver packages. Currently, vector interfaces are provided for real-valued vectors only (i.e., where the data is either type { double} or { float}). If the need for complex-valued vectors arises (e.g., PETSc supports complex vectors), they can be easily added. Presently, the PVodeTrio vector interface supports only { double}-valued vectors. The abstract classes that define the interfaces to the PETSc and PVodeTrio packages are includes in the SAMRAI source subdirectories "petsc" and "pvode::trio/vector", respectively. The classes which perform the actual numerical operations used in the vector kernels are found in the "Mathematical Operations" package.
Generated on Fri Dec 2 11:19:14 2005 for SAMRAI by  doxygen 1.4.2