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SAMRAI Source Code Documentation

SAMRAI (Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement Applications Infrastructure) is a research-oriented software development effort in the Center for Applied Scientific Computing (CASC) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). The project has two main objectives. First, SAMRAI enables the application of SAMR (Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement) technology to computational physics problems important to the DOE and the ASCI program. Seecond, SAMRAI supports algorithm research for adaptive methods in high-performance massively-parallel computing environments.

Questions about this document or the SAMRAI library code should be addressed to

The SAMRAI framework source code is partitioned into a number of software ``packages". Each package contains a collection of classes that are logically-related with respect to the role they play in structured AMR applications. Organizing the SAMRAI library in this fashion aids in understanding the overall software design and helps to maintain the integrity of the software architecture. The packages are listed here in order of their library compilation dependencies. This provides insight into the relative complexity of the classes and indicates which packages are needed when using parts of the library. Links to package contents follow the list of package descriptions.

Using SAMRAI Doxygen-generated Documentation with your Doxygen-generated Documentation

If your project uses doxygen and you would like to have your documentation link with SAMRAI's documentation, you will need the tag file generated by SAMRAI's doxygen run.
Generated on Fri Dec 2 11:18:58 2005 for SAMRAI by  doxygen 1.4.2