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PVODE ODE System Solver C++ Wrapper

These classes provide a C++ interface to the PVODE package, which is written in C. They are sufficiently generic that they may be used independently of the SAMRAI framework. The solver class wraps the PVODE data structures and function calls so that these items may be more easily used within a C++ program. Static member functions for the right hand side function evaluation, preconditioner setup and preconditioner solve are provided to link user-defined versions of these routines with PVODE and CVSpgmr. The "abstract function" class serves as the interface between the solver class and user-defined implementations of these routines.

Note: These classes assume that vectors based on the PVodeTrioAbstractVector class are used.

Generated on Fri Dec 2 11:19:14 2005 for SAMRAI by  doxygen 1.4.2