Fall Semester (2003) Graduate Relativity Physics 387M, Graduate Relativity Unique Number 59510 T Th 8:00 - 9:30 RLM 5.112 Text: Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler- Gravitation (Freeman, San Francisco 1973) Instructor: Richard Matzner Stand-in: Scott Hawley RLM 9.224 RLM 9.206 471 5062 471 5426 richard@helmholtz.ph.utexas.edu shawley@physics.utexas.edu Office Hours: TTh 10-11AM, 12:45-1:30 (TBA) Physics 387M, the first semester of the Graduate Relativity course, will be offered in the Fall semester 2003. Syllabus -Brief Review of Special Relativity (August 28- September 2; MTW Ch 2, 3) -The Equivalence Principle (Sept 4- 9; MTW Ch. 7) -General Coordinate Systems (Sept 11 - 16; MTW Ch. 8 notice Box 8.4, especially "coordinate bases") -Curvature (Sept 18- 23; MTW Ch. 11, (box 14.2),(section 13.5), 14 (section 14.2, 14.4) -The Einstein Equations (Sept 25 - 30; perfect fluids, Ch. 17, 23) -Particular Spacetimes -gravitational waves (Oct 2 - 9; section 35.9, Ch. 18, Ch 35, 36) -cosmology (Oct 14 - 23) -black holes (Oct 28 -Nov 4) -Connections to Astrophysics (Nov 6- 25) -Special Topics (Dec 2-4) The syllabus will be updated for specificity during the semester. It will be available at a Web site: http://wwwrel.ph.utexas.edu/Public/Members/phys_387M This is an advanced Physics course. Grading will be based on homework, a paper (topic selected in consultation between instructor and student), and a written final exam. Homework will be assigned every week and will be due one week later (the first homework will be assigned on Tuesday September 2). Homework: 20% Paper: 40% Final: 40%