Mijan Huq
Project 1
Source Code
wave1d.f driver.f
utility.f Parameters file
These runs were carried out with
nx(1,2,3) = 401 801 1601
xmin/max= -1.0 1.0
gaussian width = 5.0E-02
gaussian amplitude = 0.5
propagation velocity = 0.0
dt/dx = cfl = 0.5
max no. of iterations to run 1000
final time = 2.5
MPEG movie of evolution with ZERO boundaries
Zero boundary convergence test. The graph below shows the convergence factor
as a function of time. At t=1.0 and t=2.0 there are variations due to the
MPEG movie of evolution with PERIODIC boundaries
Periodic boundary convergence test. The graph below shows the convergence factor
as a function of time. At t=1.0 and t=2.0 there are variations due to the