33.0 1 nx 33.0 2 ny 65.0 3 nz -2.0 4 dxmin 2.0 5 dxmax -2.0 6 dymin 2.0 7 dymax -2.0 8 dzmin 6.0 9 dzmax 0.25 10 CourantFactor 1600.0 11 Total Number of Time Steps 0.0 12 StartTme 1.0 13 Tolerance 1.0 14 ExtBndryWidth 1.0 15 MaxLev 2.0 16 RefineFactor 1.0 17 TruncErrTrsh 0.0 18 Parameter to be determined 1.0 19 Out Bound (1=dir,2=somm,3=period,4=pert,5=null,6=freez,7=pertsomm) 0.0 20 Inner Boundary ( 0=none, 1=freezing, 2=weighted freezing) 4.0 21 I.C. 0=flat 1=iso 2=hdf 3=linwaves 4=bef 5=kerr 6=harm 1.0e-06 22 amplitude of linear wave 3.0 23 width of linear wave 1.5 24 initial radius of the hole 1 0.0 25 initial radius of the hole 2 0.0 26 initial position of the hole 1 x 0.0 27 initial position of the hole 1 y 0.0 28 initial position of the hole 1 z 0.0 29 initial position of the hole 2 x 0.0 30 initial position of the hole 2 y 0.0 31 initial position of the hole 2 z 7.0 32 G-code slicing method (Only if param34=1) 3.0 33 G-code lapse exponent (Only if param34=1) 4.0 34 lapse (0 geo 1 G 2 iso 4 bef 5 Kerr 6 alg ks 8 harm) 2.0 35 shift (0=zero,1=periodic, 2=bef 3=kerr 4=areal 5=harm 6=const-z) 1.0e-9 36 initialization convergence criterion -256.0 37 apparent horizon variable ilucgstp (unused) 0.001 38 apparent horizon stopping criteria (unused) 1.0e-04 39 apparent horizon variable epsilon (unused) 33.0 40 apparent horizon variable nst (unused) 33.0 41 apparent horizon variable nsp (unused) 0.0 42 turn on/off the apparent horizon locator (unused) 0.1 43 velocity of boost in z direction (Param21=4) 0.0 44 Unused 100.0 45 Frequency of 3D hdf file dump (# of timesteps) 1.0 46 evolution scheme, 0=leap, 1=crank 0.0 47 unused 3.0 48 number of buffer zones inside horizon (approx.) 1.0 49 0=use inner-bndry pts for interps, 1=don't use them 0.0 50 width of inner-boundary smoothing domain 0.0 51 number of inner-boundary smoothing passes 0.1 52 Spin parameter in Kerr data [0-1) 9.0 53 order of boundary derivative scheme (1 or 2, 9) 4.0 54 order of interpolation (4th or 2nd or 1st) 0.0 55 dissipation parameter epsilon [0-1] 10.0 56 Max number of CN iterations (only if p46=1) 1.0e-5 57 Convergence criterion for CN scheme (only if p46=1) 2.0 58 Periodic B.C. stencil (if p19 = 3) 0.0 59 Value for shift in the z-direction (if p35=6) 1.2568 60 Frequency in time for periodic shift(only if p35=1) 0.0 61 Value for beta0 in the x-direction (only if p35=1) 0.0 62 Value for beta0 in the y-direction (only if p35=1) 0.5 63 Value for beta0 in the z-direction (only if p35=1) 0.0 64 Spatial frequency for periodic shift (L/2pi) (only if p35=1) 0.0 65 Phase of periodic shift in the z-direction (/pi) (only if p35=1) 1.0 66 Simple Sommerfeld if p19=2,7 (1:=K_ij only, 2:=g_ij only, 3:=both) 2.0 67 Simple Sommerfeld falloff ( p66=1,2actual. p66=3 r^p g r^p+1 k) 0.0 68 Outermost radius for inner buffer freezing(in # of points) 0.0 69 Inner boundary Mask Geometry (0=sphere,1=cube) 0.0 70 Interior differencing (0=reg, 1=back y) 0.0 71 (unused) 0.0 72 (unused) 0.0 73 (unused) 0.0 74 (unused) 0.0 75 (unused) 0.0 76 (unused) 0.0 77 (unused) 0.0 78 (unused) 0.0 79 (unused) 0.0 80 (unused) 0.0 81 (unused) 0.0 82 (unused) 0.0 83 (unused) 0.0 84 (unused) 0.0 85 (unused) 0.0 86 (unused) 0.0 87 (unused) 0.0 88 (unused) 0.0 89 (unused) 0.0 90 (unused) 0.0 91 (unused) 0.0 92 (unused) 0.0 93 (unused) 0.0 94 (unused) 0.0 95 (unused) 0.0 96 (unused)