Awesome webpage number 5!
Second page of Mesh output for outer A, outer B, cart, spheroidal A and spheroidal B patches:
Colored Slice of Outer Shells and Spheroidal overlap
Colored Clip of Outer Shells and Spheroidal overlap
Colored Clip of Outer Shells, Spheroidal, and Cartesian overlap
Colored Clip of Outer Shells and Cartesian overlap
3d Color Outer B and Spheroidal Clip
3d Color Outer A and Spheroidal patches
3d Color Outer B and Spheroidal patches
3d Outer A and Spheroidal patches
3d Spheroidal patches
3d Outer and Cartesian
Outer, Spheroidal and Cartesian Slice
Spheroidal and Cartesian Slice
Spheroidal patches and Cartesian Slice
OuterA and Cartesian Slice
Outer and Cartesian Slice
OuterB and Cartesian Slice