3-D Snapshots of Apparent Horizons in MCF Tracking Method: Searching for
the Breaking Point
Snapshots of the surface, in cartesian coordinates, are shown below for
a two black hole system.
Grid size: 17
Masses: 0.5M each
Separation: 0.0M
Single, spherical horizon is found with a curvature over the surface of
10^-8 and a radius of 1.0M.

Grid size: 17
Masses: 1.0M each
Separation: 0.0M
Single, spherical apparent horizon is found with a constant curvature at
10^-8 and a raduis of 2.0M.
Grid size: 17
Masses: 1.0M each
Separation: 3.1M
Single, spherical apparent horizon is found with a curvature of 10^-8.
This separation is near the critical separation beyond which there is no
single apparent horizon enveloping both masses.