Project 9

Wave Equation in one dimension

On Eddington-Finkelstein Background

Implicit Method (9 point)

with Radiation Boundary Conditions

General Results

Follow the excitement of an ingoing pulse. This pulse begins near the event horizon, and travels radially inward. The event horizon is at r = 1

Follow the excitment of an outgoing pulse. This pulse begins near the event horizon, but barely makes it away (close call!). Again, the event horizon is at r=1.

The wave moves very slowly, and this simulation requires many more time steps (1000 iterations here). The wave spreads out in time.

Here is an outward moving wave centered on the event horizon. The plot shows a superposition of the the wave a four different times. The central wave is the initial data, and as time increases the wave spreads in both directions, albeit not symmetrically.

Still under construction!!

To be added next: ??