I went to St. John's College in Annapolis, thinking the thought that thinks itself for four idyllic years,
at the end of which I received a BA in 1997.
The life of Athens being fine for what it is, I was drawn across the street to Sparta, where I did some undergraduate research involving nonlinear optics, as well as a few pullups.
After graduating,
I worked for a year at the Naval Research Lab in the
Xray astronomy group
in which I analyzed images from the
UKST southern sky object
to detect likely clusters of galaxies.
I then found myself here in Austin for six years working on the binary black hole problem with Richard Matzner in the Center for Relativity.
I was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy with all the rights and privileges appertaining thereto in August of 2004. I am now post-doc at the Paris Observatory doing some miscellaneous astrophysical research on AGN, X-ray binaries, and black holes.
Sometimes (often!) my code has a bug in it. All is not lost, however: what
fails to be Science often succeeds as Art:
This would look good hanging in any modern home, eh?
The little known Watermelon Metric and its relatives.
I like this one for no particular reason.
The ghost in the data.
My lovely little sister Kate.
Here is a picture of my friend Hayes at his wedding in Baltimore.
Yeah, dish me up some more of that sauce, Maurizio!
Who is that shadowy figure? and what
weirdness lies behind that door?
Dinner at Mike, Carmon and the greyhounds' place.
Some interesting cartoons.
I'm learning how to play Go from these fine people.
Pictures from geek camp, I mean, High Performance Computing Summer
School at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.