This plot shows the radial component of the extrinsic curvature as
a function of r and t resulting from our numerical evolution code.
Here the coordinate r corresponds to an isotropic radial coordinate
which is locked to the Novikov radial coordinate for our case of
geodesic slicing. The coordinate t is simply the proper time. These
values of the radial component of the extrinsic curvature are reduced
data computed from the cartesian extrinsic curvature components which
the code evolves directly. We chose the diagonal of our 3D
computational grid to provide us a radius along which we could compute
this representative plot. The region from r=0 to r~1.0 is the excised
interior of the event horizon which can be seen expanding in coordinate
space as time advances.
Similarly, this is a plot of the exact solution of the radial
extrinsic curvature component in Novikov coordinates.
Finally, we show the error between the two solutions. Notice the
rapidly growing error at the inner horizon which is intermittently
truncated as grid points fall into the horizon. Also notice the
warping of the outer edge which propagates inward over time.