PHY 393S: Seminar in Relativity, Spring 1998
Unique Number: 54130
Tuesday , Thursday 3:30-5:00 pm, RLM 5.120
Seminar Archive
- Tuesday, Feburuary 17th:
Dr. Lior Burko
``The Singularity inside Black Holes''
- Thursday, February 19th:
Dr. Andrei Frolov
University of Alberta
``Critical Behavior in the Gravitational Collapse of a Massless
Scalar Field: Perturbation Analysis of Roberts Solution''
- Thursday, March 5th:
Randall Correll
University of Texas at Austin
``New Developments in Numerical Relativity''
- Tuesday, March 12th
Dr. Wen-Chien Chou
University of Texas at Austin
``Dynamics of plasma near the horizon of a Schwarzschild black
- Thursday, March 26th
Dr. James W. York, Jr.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Title to be announced
- Tuesday, March 31st
David Neilsen
University of Texas at Austin
Title to be announced
- Thursday, April 9th:
Dr. Robert Marsa
University of Texas at Austin
``New Features in RNPL''
- Thursday, April 16th:
Steve Liebling
University of Texas at Austin
Final Defense: Title to be announced
- Tuesday, April 21st:
Dr. Willy Fischler
University of Texas at Austin
Title to be announced
- Thursday, April 23rd:
Dr. Willy Fischler
University of Texas at Austin
Title to be announced
- Thursday, May 7th
Dr. Mijan Huq
University of Texas at Austin
Title to be announced
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